ADVANCE Lake Tahoe Adult Education Consortium

ADVANCE is a collaborative network of education and government agencies, local organizations, and employers serving the Lake Tahoe Basin and Alpine County. Our mission is to support and empower adults seeking to enhance their educational, career, and civic opportunities. Based in South Lake Tahoe, we offer a wide variety of no or low-cost services throughout the South Shore and Alpine County communities.

The following schools are a member of this collective:
  • El Dorado County Office of Education
  • Lake Tahoe Community College
  • Lake Tahoe Unified School District

ADVANCE Lake Tahoe Adult Education Consortium Stories

David Smith, and older man in a black uniform and ball cap, leans over several plates of food in a professional kitchen to check the work of culinary students.

Cooking Up A Path To Success

Hands-on learning paved the way to more opportunity David Smith evaluates boot camp participants’ plates, and example of ADVANCE's hands-on learning approach. Photo courtesy of ADVANCE. At the West Shore… [Read More]
A black man in a yellow work jacket and blue hard hat chops at a large log with an ax.

A Forestry Program with Flexibility

ADVANCE meets individuals ‘where they are at’ for a tailored approach to education The CCC’s Forestry Corps also offers pathways to degree programs and jobs with a tailored approach to… [Read More]
Several adult students sit in a classroom at long desks with their laptops while watching their teacher's powerpoint presentation to help them become job ready.

Power of Partnership

ADVANCE teams up with job training agencies to get people job-ready WIOA participants can receive money for tuition and materials in class to get their students job-ready. Photo courtesy of… [Read More]
Two rows of adult students sit in a small classroom with laptops, looking at their teacher's lesson projected on the wall.

Innovation in ESL Learning

Long a staple of adult education, ADVANCE has helped turn South Lake Tahoe’s version into a tailored and cutting-edge program English learners use new online tools thanks to ADVANCE's cutting-edge… [Read More]
A smiling man works on an engine in a mechanic's shop


ADVANCE works to ensure support is seamless across state lines ADVANCE helps support people in obtaining job skills throughout the Tahoe Basin. Photo courtesy of advance Whether it’s finding the… [Read More]
Meli Aguirre, a middle aged woman, stands in front of a line of evergreen trees and mountains in a purple graduation cap and gown, holding a bouquet of sunflowers.

No Barriers

ADVANCE focuses on solutions not obstacles; goals not setbacks Meli Aguirre earned her high school diploma in June 2020 thanks to ADVANCE, which seeks to offer student solutions, and overcome… [Read More]
Riley Hinkson, a blonde woman in forestry work gear, sits on a log in a forest.

Whole-Person Approach

ADVANCE sees people as individuals and asks ‘What do you need?’ Riley Hinkson has been able to build a new life and career in forestry thanks to ADVANCE's whole-person approach.… [Read More]
Hermalinda Aguirre, wearing a purple graudation cap and gown and holding a bouquet of sunflowers, stands in front of a landscape of pine trees and mountains

Scaling New Heights

How a supportive program helped a woman overcome barriers Hermelinda Aguirre graduated with her high school diploma in June 2020 thank to Lake Tahoe Community College's supportive program. PHOTO COURTESY… [Read More]

Stories featuring ADVANCE Lake Tahoe Adult Education Consortium

Lina Caro Flores standing in front of the Lake Tahoe Community College sign

Breaking the Cycle

Rising Scholars Network helps launch Lake Tahoe Community College Student on path to higher education and advocacy work Lina Caro Flores credits Lake Tahoe Community College and the Rising Scholars…[Read More]