Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

Founded in 1961, CLPCCD serves 29,000 students annually, in the San Francisco East Bay Area, particularly southern Alameda County, through its two colleges: Chabot College in Hayward and Las Positas College in Livermore. CLPCCD is governed by a seven member board of trustees which is responsible for all policy decisions. Board members are elected from trustee areas by the registered voters of nine communities: Castro Valley, Dublin, Hayward, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Sunol, and Union City.

This school is a member of the Mid Alameda County Consortium.

Stories featuring Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

San Leandro Adult and Career Education Center Principal Bradley Frazier standing in front of the education center, smiling for the camera

Empowering Adult Students

San Leandro Adult School Principal Bradley Frazier was inspired to help adult students by his own grandmother’s language barrier San Leandro Adult and Career Education Center Principal Bradley Frazier was…[Read More]
Ahmad Farid Raaid, a man with short dark hair and a blue blazer, smiles for the camera

Breaking Down Barriers

English Language Learner (ELL) Healthcare Pathways help professionals from other countries continue their professions, as well as people seeking new careers Ahmad Farid Raaid helps English language learners connect with…[Read More]