Glendale Community College District Regional Consortium

The Glendale Community College District Regional Consortium (GCCDRC) includes educators and community partners committed to improving access to adult education in the Glendale area. Together we formed a collaboration of agencies and organizations that have proven track records of excellent service.

With this formal collaborative, we identify needs and gaps and report how adult education may be expanded and improved within our region. We identify needs and skill gaps and use this knowledge to expand and improve adult education, making it more accessible to every adult learner in our region. The Adult Education Program (AEP) has provided funding for this effort.

The following schools are a member of this collective:
  • Glendale Community College
  • Glendale Unified School District
  • Verdugo Workforce Development Board

Glendale Community College District Regional Consortium Stories

A woman speaking in front of a room full of adult students.

A Win-Win Situation

Adult education programs benefit employers and employees Adult education provides training to employees, in turn helping businesses by supplying skilled workers. No business can succeed without good employees. Whether a… [Read More]