Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium
The following schools are a member of this collective:
Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium Stories
 | Removing Barriers, Thanks to EducationHis film career got rolling after he went to adult school to get the language help he needed Marcos Gordian got the language help he needed to further his film… [Read More] |
 | Finding A Path to a DreamAdult school let her learn English, earn a diploma and launch a career Ipolita Yecenia Cifuentes de Leon became was able to launch a career as an awardwinning hair stylist… [Read More] |
 | A New BeginningA Los Angeles woman learned English and earned a pharmacy technician license — in just under 17 months Liliana Aparicio earned her license as a pharmacy technician and is excited… [Read More] |
 | 7 razones para elegir a DACESi usted considera que la capacitación técnica o profesional no vale la pena, es demasiado costosa, toma demasiado tiempo o que es preciso lidiar con el tráfico, piénselo de nuevo, porque… [Read More] |
 | A Sense of IndependenceA father and son from South Central Los Angeles learn new skills together — and now plan to open their own family business Father-and-son Jose and Felix Cadena were able… [Read More] |
 | ¡Alcancé las estrellas!Una graduada de DACE de 20 años de edad del Valle de San Fernando ya está trabajando para la NASA Mónica Hernández, una graduada de DACE, se instruyó como mecánica… [Read More] |
 | Un nuevo comienzoUna mujer de Los Ángeles aprendió inglés y obtuvo una licencia de técnica farmacéutica, en poco menos de 17 meses Liliana Aparicio obtuvo su licencia como técnica farmacéutica y está… [Read More] |
 | 7 Reasons to Choose DACEIf you thought higher education wasn’t worth it — too expensive, too time-consuming, too much travel on congested freeways — think again. 1. Convenience There is a school close to… [Read More] |
 | Reach for The StarsA 20-year-old DACE graduate from the San Fernando Valley is already working for NASA DACE graduate Monica Hernandez learned to be an aircraft mechanic in just two years at DACE.… [Read More] |
 | The Best Kept Secret to A Better FutureThe Division of Adult and Career Education (DACE) can jump-start your brand new career in a matter of months — and it won’t break the bank The Division of Adult… [Read More] |
 | Una sensación de independenciaPadre e hijo de la zona central y sur de Los Ángeles aprenden destrezas juntos y ahora planean abrir su propio negocio familiar El padre e hijo José y Félix… [Read More] |
 | ¡Bienvenido!La División de Educación para Adultos y Programas de Entrenamiento (por sus siglas en inglés DACE) puede impulsar su nueva carrera técnica o profesional La División de Educación para Adultos… [Read More] |
Stories featuring Los Angeles Regional Adult Education Consortium
 | A Different PathAfter embracing her parents’ advice on education, Vasthy Repak earned AS and BS degrees from community colleges Community colleges have allowed Vasthy Repak to attain both associate and bachelor’s degrees,…[Read More] |