Palomar College

The Palomar Promise program is a comprehensive student success program geared towards increasing the college-going and completion rates of first-time college students and helping to ensure their success. The Palomar Promise offers up to two years of free tuition (fall/spring), textbook assistance, and access to specialized academic and career planning with related support services to first-time college students who meet the eligibility requirements.  Palomar Promise is funded using a combination of  state, federal and local funding resources.

This school is a member of the Education to Career Network of North San Diego County.

Stories featuring Palomar College

Portrait of formerly incarcerated Jose Romero at Palomar College where he partipates in the Rising Scholars program. He’s also a student at Calfornia State University San Marcos. In the background is the school’s longtime landmark dome that houses the gymnasium.

Incarceration to Inspiration

After serving 26 years in prison, Palomar College graduate Jose Romero wants to show others that rehabilitation is possible After serving 26 years in prison for first-degree murder, Jose Romero…[Read More]
Ramona, CA_Ramona Adult School teacher Candace Jarman assists a student in math. Photo by Charlie Neuman

A New Challenge

Long-time special education teacher finds new inspiration helping older students earn high school diplomas at Ramona Adult School Candace Jarman says she and other instructors at Ramona Adult School strive…[Read More]