Oakland Adult & Career Education

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OACE provides high-quality foundational, instructional skill programs to Oakland adults and their families in order for them to succeed in education, work and life.

This school is a member of the Northern Alameda Adult Education Collective.

Oakland Adult & Career Education Stories

Take That to the Bank

BankWork$ program gives students the foundation to start a rewarding banking career Oakland Adult and Career Education’s Dr. Michelle Hector II helps adult students connect with banking careers through the… [Read More]
Man in suit standing in front of a fence covered in vines.

A Little Help Goes a Long Way

CALRegional provides aid in building career pathways Nick Bence of CALRegional says his organization’s partnership with Oakland Adult and Career Education provides pathways to good-paying jobs through phlebotomy, EKG and… [Read More]
Gabriela Pingarron smiling for the camera

A Well-Oiled Machine

Oakland Adult and Career Education partnerships with local job centers help build workforce Gabriela Pingarron is the associate director of economic development of Unity Council, which operates the Fruitvale Neighborhood… [Read More]
Roger Chung, a man with a mustache and small goatee wearing a demin shirt, stands and smiles for the camera

Getting Back to Work

Reentry programs help formerly-incarcerated students acclimate back into communities Laney College educator Roger Chung co-founded the Restoring Our Communities (ROC), a reentry program dedicated to providing support for formerly incarcerated… [Read More]
Ermelinda Velasquez holds her citizenship papers and stands in front of United States flags

The American Dream

Oakland Adult and Career Education course helps student fulfill 25-year goal of American citizenship Ermelinda Velasquez was sworn in as a United States citizen in January 2024. Photo courtesy of… [Read More]
Muslim Mom In Hijab Drawing With Her Preschooler in the kitchen

Uplifting Families

OACE’s Family Literacy program helps parents support their children Being able to communicate is something many people take for granted. Talking with your doctor, parent-teacher conferences and reading important documents… [Read More]
Kim Jones, an older black man with a gray beard, blazer, and flat cap, sits on the desk in his office and smiles for the camera

A Welcome Place for Everyone

Oakland Adult Career and Education changes students lives and helps build a better community Kim Jones says that in addition to helping students, OACE helps build a better community by… [Read More]
Juarez Ramirez standing on the steps of his campus in his black graduation cap and gown

The Confidence to Succeed

OACE helps students build themselves a solid foundation OACE helps students like Rodolfo Juarez Ramirez build themselves a solid foundation. Photo by George E. Baker Jr. There are many reasons… [Read More]

OACE Transition Specialist helps students reach education and career goals

OACE Transition Specialist Maria Einaudi helps students reach education and career goals. Photo courtesy of Maria Einaudi. While going back to school as an adult opens new doors of opportunity,… [Read More]
Lee Gardner, a black man in a suit, stands in front of a bank ATM

From Retail to Banking

Landing a new profession through Oakland Adult and Career Education Lee Gardner was able to pursue a new profession in banking that allowed him to spend more time with his… [Read More]