Sonoma County Adult Education Consortium

Sonoma County Adult Education provides free adult education courses and programs to community residents. Our students come to us with a variety of goals and needs including pursuing higher education, developing workforce skills through industry certification or furthering their English as a Second language education.

Sonoma County Adult Education Consortium Stories

Maria Vela, a woman with shoulder length dark hair in a yellow blouse, sits on her couch and smiles for the camera

Learning New Skills At Any Age

After graduation, she became an inspiration to others After learning new skills at Santa Rosa Junior College including English and Computer Technology, Maria Vela is now an SRJC employee, passing… [Read More]
A man is standing at a computer booth inside a library.

El camino hacia la superación personal

La educación técnica profesional ayuda a los estudiantes adultos a crecer Evaristo López, originario de México, regresó a la escuela como adulto y ha tomado varios cursos de CTE a… [Read More]
Una mujer se encuentra frente al escritorio de un salón de clases. Ella esta sonriendo. Hay un televisor montado detrás de ella.

Rising to the Challenge

Former ESL student reflects on her journey Leticia Rojas, a former ESL student, came to the United States unable to communicate in English. Today, she works primarily with Spanish-speaking families… [Read More]
Una mujer joven sonríe mientras está sentada en un escritorio en una biblioteca. Otra mujer está sentada detrás de ella con una computadora portátil abierta.

Perseverance Pays Off

Completing high school made it possible for this aspiring teacher to achieve her dreams Noemí Acosta earned her high school diploma thanks to adult education. As an aspiring teacher, she… [Read More]
A man is standing at a computer booth inside a library.

The Road to Self-Improvement

Career Technical Education helps adult learners grow Evaristo Lopez, originally from Mexico, returned to school as an adult and has taken several Career Technical Education courses through the Sonoma County… [Read More]
Una mujer joven sonríe mientras está sentada en un escritorio en una biblioteca. Otra mujer está sentada detrás de ella con una computadora portátil abierta.

La perseverancia tiene recompensaspara maestra aspirante

El terminar la preparatoria hizo posible que esta estudiante cumpliera sus sueños Noemí Acosta obtuvo su diploma de preparatoria gracias a la educación para adultos. Con la meta de ser… [Read More]
Una mujer se encuentra frente al escritorio de un salón de clases. Ella esta sonriendo. Hay un televisor montado detrás de ella.

Cumplir con el desafío

Ex estudiante de ESL habla sobre su travesía Leticia Rojas vino a los Estados Unidos sin poder comunicarse en inglés. Hoy día, ella ayuda a familias que principalmente hablan español… [Read More]