“Firecracker” Season

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By California Community Colleges

Lake Tahoe academy rigorously prepares cadets to fight fires in an increasingly overheated world

After graduating from Lake Tahoe Community College’s Fire Academy, Kylie Peterson landed a job fighting fires in Reno, Nevada. Photo courtesy of Kylie Peterson

When she was a student at the Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) Fire Academy, Kylie Peterson says that—at first sight—people would sometimes underestimate her physical capabilities.

“You see me and I’m this 5-foot-2-inch little blonde girl … I think you don’t expect what you get,” she says. “I really had to work hard at some things that were easier for bigger people.”

“Firecracker” is the word her instructors at the college used to describe the former cadet who excelled despite her small stature. She says she was already in pretty good shape when she entered the program, but that applicants should know that the physical demands are significant—like training for athletic competition.

“When I was in the academy, they really push you,” she says. “They want to see how you react when you’re stressed out. They have a set of physical requirements and tasks that you either can or can’t do. It’s a lifesaving job, so they want you to be able to perform.”

The LTCC Fire Academy is part of the college’s larger fire program, which also features fire science and fire officer training. It is offered in a two-quarter, fall/winter format designed to provide time for hands-on training and to acquire requisite licenses and certifications. This allows new graduates the timely opportunity to apply for work just as the fire season kicks off.

With a training track that leads straight to economic prospects, LTCC’s program falls right in line with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s office’s Vision 2030 action plan of developing the state’s workforce through equitable opportunities. The fire academy is also at the frontline of one of the core principals at the heart of Vision 2030, which calls on schools to “lead in climate action.” The academy’s graduates are the first defense against wildfires, which have been increasing in intensity and frequency due to global warming.

In 2022, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office reported that “about 8 million acres, on average, burned each year in wildfires between 2017 and 2021, more than double the average amount from 1987 to 1991.” According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, “changes in climate create warmer, drier conditions, leading to longer and more active fire seasons. Increases in temperatures and the thirst of the atmosphere due to human-caused climate change have increased aridity of forest fuels during the fire season.”

In response to this drastic increase in fires coupled with continued growth in wildland-urban interface, the U.S. Fire Administration suggests that a greater emphasis needs to be placed on training and equipping firefighters to respond, especially here in the west.

“I do know, working this summer, that it was really hot in Reno and things were so dry that everything was burning,” Peterson says. “I was living up here, I wasn’t a firefighter yet, when the Caldor Fire came through and I definitely saw a lot of devastation come through that whole South Lake (Tahoe) region.”

Peterson already had a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada, Reno, when she entered the academy, so she focused on the six months of training (Lake Tahoe also offers the option of pursuing an Associate in Art, Fire Academy degree).

“We did hose pulls and turnout drills [quickly putting on gear], everything that’s applicable. All the skills are the same,” she says. “I ended up at Reno Fire, where I was put through another six-month training. In all of my interviews, everyone was impressed that I had listened to some advice and gone to an academy.”

Peterson’s been on the job at Reno Fire in Nevada for two years now and says she feels like she has found her perfect career.

“I would say it’s the best job in the entire world. It’s my dream job,” she says.

“If you’re determined and willing to work hard, it’s worth a shot for anybody.”

“They want to see how you react when you’re stressed out. They have a set of physical requirements and tasks that you either can or can’t do. It’s a lifesaving job, so they want you to be able to perform.”

Kylie Peterson. Lake Tahoe Community College Fire Academy Graduate, Reno Fire Department Firefighter

Information on Lake Tahoe Community College’s Fire Academy and other fire-training programs can be found at ltcc.edu/academics/academic_programs/fire. And find out more about the CCC’s Vision 2030 at cccco.edu/About-Us/Vision-2030.

Written by Jason Cassidy

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