Life Changing Education

Adult education meets you where you are and gives you a new path you never expected

Portrait of Gabriela Galvez in a classroom at El Cajon Adult School.
Gabriela Galvez in a classroom at El Cajon Adult Education Center, where she gained a life changing education. Photo by Charlie Neuman

When Gabby Galvez decided she wanted to continue her education, she chose East Region Adult Education to learn English as a second language and to also obtain a high school diploma to help her with better job prospects. At that point, she had not received any kind of formal education in a classroom setting for about 30 years. This choice led her on a journey that not only allowed her to achieve those goals, it also helped her pursue higher education at the age of 57.

It was all a result of a chance encounter she had with a staffer from East Region Adult Education, who recruited her to enroll in courses at ERAE. Little by little, Galvez began to find a rhythm with her school work. She started with only two classes but eventually became a full-time student with a full class load. She is currently on track to graduate from Grossmont College this spring with an Associate’s Degree in Childhood Development and will be certified as an administrator.

“It’s like living in a dream that I’ve never had before and I have to keep reminding myself that its true.”

Gabby Galvez, ERAE graduate, staffer and current college student

“Last Friday, San Diego State University accepted my student application to enroll in the fall semester,” Galvez says. “It’s like living in a dream that I’ve never had before and I have to keep reminding myself that it’s true.”

She credits her success with the support she received from her instructors and classmates, as well as the resources that were made available to her. When she is not busy studying, she earns income through her job at El Cajon Adult Center, which is part of the East Region Adult Education consortium. She also serves as a mentor for ESL classes at Grossmont College.

Reflecting on how it all began, Galvez said the flexibility that East Region Adult Education offers through its education and certification programs helped her with following through and completing her courses. She explained that the ESL program she took was easily accessible to her because it happened to be located only blocks from where she lived.

East Region Adult Education offers an abundance of ESL and high school diploma/high school equivalency programs throughout the area for those looking to continue their education and elevate their career. The consortium offers classes to prepare people for pursuing higher education, as well as certification programs and trainings for high-paying, in-demand careers.

To learn more about East Region Adult Education call (619) 588-3512 or visit

Written by Whip Villarreal

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Southern California English as a Second Language High School
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