Opening Online Possibilities With Computer Skills

Digital and computer literacy class helps students navigate today’s world

Maria Villatoro site on an armchair in her home in front of a photo of herself in her graduation cap and gown and smiles for the camera.
Maria Villatoro improved her computer skills so she could broaden her career possibilities. Photo courtesy of Maria Villatoro.

Today, computers are part of everyday life. Whether for school, work or fun, knowing how to use them can open new career paths, make any task more efficient and expand learning opportunities for students young and old. For those who need to upgrade their skills, Val Verde Adult School offers digital and computer literacy classes to bring them up to speed.

“It was kind of a basic 101 class that teaches (students) all the foundational skills they need to know about computers,” explains John Parker, Val Verde Adult School principal. “The world right now is ever changing. … As far as employers are concerned, it’s an expectation that when they hire employees that they have an idea of how to use software programs.”

That’s exactly why Maria Villatoro took the class. Currently an instructional aide at Val Verde Elementary School, she’s trying to steer her career in a slightly different direction and has recently begun looking into office positions within the school district. While she already had some basic computer skills, she needed more experience operating commonly used software programs.

“I think I’ve personally benefited from it and I’ve helped others at the same time.”

Maria Villatoro, Educator and Val Verde Adult School student

“I learned how to do spreadsheets, I learned how to do my own Google website, and we created a PowerPoint (presentation),” she says. “We’ve created a lot of things that help me with what I’m doing right now. It’s definitely been very beneficial.”

Villatoro isn’t the only one benefiting: With her new digital literacy skills, she’s able to create fun and engaging assignments for her students as well as help parents manage their children’s online distance learning. Her fellow digital literacy students are also able to use their new skills in a variety of jobs and industries.

“We all have different benefits,” she says. “We’re learning how to build websites right now and, to me, building a website is not beneficial. But there are a lot of students in our class who have their own business, so when it came to them, they said, ‘We can totally promote (our company)!’”

While Villatoro admits that initially it was intimidating going back to school — even as an educator herself — it’s been a very positive experience for her.

“I would definitely encourage anybody who had the opportunity to go back to do so. It’s never too late, there’s always room to grow and make yourself better,” she says. “I’m sure glad I did because I think I’ve personally benefited from it and I’ve helped others at the same time. I’m grateful.”

For more information on Val Verde Adult School’s Digital Computer Literacy class or other courses and programs, visit

Written by Anne Stokes.

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